Tuesday 27 August 2013

Madrid Day 1, 26th August 2013

Well after leaving Brisbane at 2.30pm on Sunday we finally arrived in Madrid at 9.30 in the morning 27 hours later. Successfully negotiated Metro and the change to the train (separate systems) which put us right underneath the plaza Del Sol with a 50m walk to the hotel. Thankfully room was ready so after quick change and shower, pavements were hit. Here is a few random from bus and walking. Loved tapas for lunch with wine and finished day with goooood cold cirveza. Hit the pillow at 9 ( Jane crashed earlier) and now happily up at 5.15 feeling very refreshed.
Oh almost forgot, Paul to continue the tradition here is the first of  my knockers .  :-)

Knocker for Paul
Hopefully not sign of times.
Wine and cirveza

1 comment:

  1. Picture 2 is banned as being too close to a work thought! Andrew :-)
