Monday 23 September 2013

Paris Day 29, 23rd September 2013

Damn that alarm sounds loud at 6.40am. Off to catch a train to Giverny this morning to have a look at the town and especially Monet's garden. And wasn't that was fun, went to the train station with plenty of time to catch the 8.20 train, however tickets to Vernon not sold through machine and office not open till 8. Then waited and wrong office so off to other end of the station to correct office and buy tickets before dash to platform 22. Made it and on the way.:-)
Vernon is the stop about 50 minutes by train from Paris. We hired some bikes once we got there and rode along streets and bike paths the 5km to Giverny. Monet's garden is very pretty and still lots of annuals in flower. Old house supposedly as he left it which is quite quaint. I do wonder about all the paintings being originals though as didn't seem to be any sort of security and with all those Monet, Cezanne and Renoir on the walls, have a small feeling they may just have been copies.:-) Lovely ride back to Vernon for bite to eat before catching the 2.45 train back to Paris.
Lunch was in a small brasserie in Vernon. Jane had a lovely salmon with salad and omelette. Note to self, veau  does mean veal but the words in front mean offal !!!!  Let's just say the salad and pommes with it were at least edible. :-)
Back in Paris we dumped a couple of things at the hotel and then grabbed the Metro to the Eiffel Tower. Just a gorgeous day in Paris, 24°c and everyone else must of thought the same. About an hour wait to go up. We both went to level 2 before I took the lift to the summit, WOW. Superb views of Paris, a really great experience and pretty with the late afternoon sun.
We then walked quite a bit until we found a place for dinner about 8.30. Sigh, last night in Paris. Even had to divert around a street as blocked off with police and screaming fans for someone of note. Also lots of loud siren police cars and China consulate vehicles speed past the restaurant while we ate. Oh a hectic night. Oh and after lunch episode Im sorry but I went for the safety of a burger.:-)
Finally got our sore, tired feet back to the hotel for some rest, that was a long day.

Vernon Town Hall
Lots of these in Vernon
Amazing what you come across
Palace Garage Vernon
Bruce would just drool
Bust of Monet
Lots of garden photos to follow
Jane loved the bamboo
Finally the hose
Old vernon bridge across Seine
Bet you've never seen this before
With tower shadow across city
Temporary photo exhibition on banks of Seine
Farewell Paris
Janes salad
My burger
Raspberry macaroon
Lunch and the 'veal'
A very polished knocker

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